The Independent donates to War Child for World Refugee Week

To mark World Refugee Week, The Independent is donating £20,000 of ad inventory to the charity War Child to help displaced children and families find a new sense of home.

War Child is committed to one goal: ensuring a safe future for every child living through war. As an independent non-governmental organisation, War Child works to protect, educate, and advocate for the rights of children living in conflict and goes to the most challenging places to support them.

Geordie Greig, Editor-in-Chief at The Independent, said: “The Independent fully supports War Child and their tireless campaign to ensure the safety of children living through war.”

CEO of War Child UK, Helen Pattinson said: “We can’t thank The Independent enough for this incredibly generous donation. The Independent has since its founding been a champion for refugees and for children affected by conflict, and its fearless coverage and campaigning over the years is a testament to its tenacity and values. The readership of The Independent couldn’t be a more suitable home for our advertising, which makes this offer all the more valuable to us and our work.”

To find out more about War Child, please visit here.


Image: Taken in Malakal, South Suden. Children taking part in activities at a War Child safe space. Photographer: Alex McBride

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