Smart Meters came to us with a challenge…
Awareness of smart meters is high, but younger, environmentally conscious audiences are notoriously difficult to convert. Indy Ignite created a campaign to highlight everyday scenarios in which sustainable living could satisfy the needs and demands of this audience in a post-pandemic world.
Our idea
A ‘tomorrow’s world’-style in-depth, practical yet inspiring branded content series, looking at the innovation driving smarter living in our homes and beyond in 2021.
All the content was housed in an interactive parallax scroller which was custom built and directed Independent readers through our three long reads on smarter homes, journeys and working. These long reads were dynamic, responsive and visually arresting to maintain readers’ interest.
Key take-out
The Independent can lower the barrier to entry amongst a younger audience to give practical non preachy guidance AND get them engaged – this campaign generated a dwell time of almost double our benchmark